New soaps from the Nettlesome Pantry — The Nettlesome Life


Welcome to the Nettlesome Life. I document my adventures in herbal soap making, growing food, foraging for wild edibles and making things by hand. Hope you have a nice stay!

Two NEW Soaps!

It’s a new year and with that comes more playing around with soap recipes and finding what resonates with you all. This week I made two new soaps, which haven’t been cut yet, so this is only a sneak peak at them.

green soap with dried thyme leaves in a wooded mold

The first soap was inspired by a friend who often feels compelled to take a shower right as he’s getting sick. Often when you are sick you have congestion too. I that let me to try making a decongestion soap with eucalyptus as the main scent to help open the nasal passages and lavender to soothe inflammation and help promote relaxation. I think if you get sick often throughout the winter this soap might be lovely to have on hand! I know I will be keeping a bar of it in my bathroom this winter.

Next up is the rose and chocolate soap. This one was done upon many in person request from customers who wanted a rose scented soap. Roses have been used for thousands of years for their skin friendly qualities. Especially for delicate skins such as the face and neck.

Chocolate is full of antioxidants and is great for supporting skin rejuvenation.

If you want an update on when these soaps are ready and in the shop sign up for the Nettlesome Newsletter.

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